Product Design is another critical aspect where our experienced In house Technical and Commercial team provides its services by designing a tailor made packaging solution suitable for the packaging of your products.
We manufacture spiral paper tubes/cores and containers in size Ranging from 12 mm to 508 mm ID, in various thickness and lengths as per the specifications and strength.
Conical Metal Drums/Containers were introduced in India by KONVERTOR PACKAGING SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. and had also won the “BEST INNOVATION AWARD” in the year 2006.
The damage to products in transit, loading & unloading or store for a long period is usually observed on the edges. Our specially designed edge protector act as a barrier against the forces..
Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum.
We dedicate ourselves to TOTAL QUALITY
We shall constantly strive to be a supplier of cost effective and
consistent quality of PACKAGING PRODUCTS.
As per stringent specifications to achieve total customer satisfaction.
Continous Improvement, Team work and Commitment shall be our guilding values
to achieve the same.